3D Tracking Google Earth

Setup & Installation Instructions

In order to follow our Red Bull X-Alps athletes in 3D, you can use Google Earth Pro. 
Visit https://www.google.com/intl/en/earth/desktop/ and download Earth Pro for your PC. 
Google offers free versions for Windows PC, Mac and Linux.

Important note: The Google Earth version available for Chrome Browser is NOT supported.


When you have downloaded and installed Google Earth Pro, you are just a view steps away from following the race in stunning 3D.

Step by Step Guide:

  1. Download and install Google Earth Pro for desktop
  2. Open Google Earth
  3. In the top navigation click "Add"
  4. Select the last item "Network Link"
  5. Select a name of your choice
  6. In the link field, enter
    - 2017 Race  https://www.redbullxalps.com/tracking-3d-2017
    - 2019
       Prologue: https://www.redbullxalps.com/prologue-3d-2019
       Race: https://www.redbullxalps.com/race-3d-2019
    - 2021
      Prologue https://www.redbullxalps.com/prologue-3d-2021
      Race: https://www.redbullxalps.com/race-3d-2021
    - 2023
      Prologue https://www.redbullxalps.com/prologue-3d-2023
      Race: https://www.redbullxalps.com/race-3d-2023
  7. Let the data load. This may take a while for the first time.

Have a look into our screencasts to see how to use the data in Google Earth Pro.

Google Earth - How to add a network link

If you run across any issues setting up the network link in Google Earth Pro, check this short video.

Google Earth - How to work with the tracking data

After you loaded the network link, you'll see every athlete as a separate folder labeled by team and pilot name. In every folder you find tracking data grouped by the race day split into 6 hour chunks. The entire folder structure is reloaded every ±15 minutes, offering you an almost real-time experience.

Double click on a folder to see the data on the map and dive into the world of the Red Bull X-Alps pilots!

Google Earth

Navigation elements top right
Use the navigation elements  on the top right to zoom in, change the camera angle and move around.

Navigation by mouse
Click and drag to move the map.
Use your scroll wheel to zoom in and out.
For more detailed instructions, go to: https://www.google.com/intl/en/earth/desktop/ or watch the video below.

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